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I’m Luca Di Bartolomeo. I easily get too inspired by things. Sometimes I learn so much; sometimes I just waste time.


I am currently pursuing a PhD at EPFL Lausanne, in the HexHive research group.

I took my master degree at ETH Zurich; I graduated my bachelor’s with honours from La Sapienza university in Rome.

I had my fun participating in programming competitions such as the OII and Google Hashcode. I also went two times to the SWERC as a member of my college’s team.

I was a student for the 2018 edition of Google Summer of Code, for the radare organization. Here there’s a list of my contributions. I had an amazing time, and still try to contribute to radare when possible.

I really really enjoy participating in CTF competitions. I’ve participated and placed third in the Cyberchallenge.it national competition, but I’m still pretty much a beginner, and always on the lookout for new things to learn.

This is a small cool demo I made in under 500 lines of GLSL.

When I was in high school, I gave a shot at game development by participating in the Ludum Dare competition. One of our games was quite successful (video of the gameplay).